Tuesday 2 April 2013

An exciting new opportunity

Earlier in the year, you may have read a post that hinted about an exciting new ministry opportunity for Peirce. In this post, Will investigates...

Will: Are you working in paid ministry now?
Peirce: Yes. I'm a senior staff worker at FOCUS, the Fellowship of Overseas Christian University Students, working with Luke Hansard. We’re both evangelists on the UTAS campus.

Will: What skills are you learning?
Peirce: Well, I’m learning how to present the Bible to people from very different backgrounds. FOCUS is mainly made up of Asian students, but there are also Europeans and Africans who come along. Luke has reached out to other groups, but we’re mainly working with Asian students.

Will: Is it the same kind of ministry that is planned for Pilgrim Hill?
Peirce: The Wednesday night group is specifically for non-Christians, and there are opportunities every time to share the Gospel. There's also a great deal of hospitality. We have activities every month, for example on Easter Saturday we did egg dying. We’ll be working a lot with Asians at Pilgrim Hill, because they are the people currently most involved in fruit picking.

Will: What excites you about FOCUS work?
Peirce: It's amazing how many non-Christians come to FOCUS. I've been loving the job. I feel like I'm in the honeymoon period and I say, why not enjoy your honeymoon? But I hope that it's more than a honeymoon, that I always love it this much.

Will: What challenges have you faced?
Peirce: Big challenges so far… I find it interesting sharing the Gospel with Asians who have no background in the Bible at all. That is a different kind of challenge. I feel a call towards ministering to post-Christians, but I am now working with Asians who have no experience of Christianity at all.

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